Sunday, September 30, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

It has been raining since forever. I think I even saw Noah working at the end of the campground. I just followed the animals I saw going in that direction.

I didn’t even note the temps for today.  I did manage to get to the wash house early this morning without the umbrella. And I would have returned to the trailer unscathed except I stopped to help a man who was wandering around with his towel on his shoulder and his shaving kit in his hand muttering, “Do you know where the wash room is. I’ve been wondering around trying to find it. They should give you a map when you come here.” (They did, or at least we were given one showing where our trailer site is, how to get to it and where all the important buildings are. He must not have looked at all of it.) I pointed him in the right direction. I stayed around to make sure he didn’t find the one thing I didn’t tell him and sure enough he did. I had to call out to him to correct his journey. He said, “Thanks” and continued on his way. By the time I got back to the trailer my shirt was marked with little drops of water. It wasn’t a real gushing rain. But then it started.

Off to the Governor’s for breakfast. It was a decent breakfast for a reasonable cost, but as Tom said, “It’s not as cheap as the Palace.” (a place back home at which a group of men from the church meet.) When we were finished it still wasn’t time to go to St. Andrew so we went back to the trailer for a while. It was still raining when we left there.

We didn’t have much time to spend but we were more comfortable in the trailer than sitting in the van with damp clothing. It was pouring rain when we went to the van to go to church and we dodged the rain drops as we ran for the entrance. We didn’t bother to take the umbrellas because we didn’t know if they would have a place to put them.

There were several other vehicles with out of state license plates so we weren’t the only visitors. We were welcomed warmly when we entered and shown the way into the nave. There were two early elementary age young men handing out bulletins. Nice to see is generation of “the Church” trained to become active in its life. I felt very much at home there.

When we left St Andrew we, again, dodged the rain drops both in the parking lot and in the campground. After a quick lunch we bedded down for a quick nap. There was not much else we could do with the rain coming down and pour - I mean, poor visibility.

When we awoke the rain had settled down to a light shower. So we headed off the L.L. Bean Outlet which was just up the road and was having a sale. We did make a very, very small purchase but didn’t find anything else of interest to us. There were several people with arms full of items, “mainely” clothes. (There are several businesses that have made use of the name of their state in the names of their businesses.) It was only sprinkling very lightly now. Maybe, just maybe. . .

Now it was time for dinner. While we were eating it started to rain again. I think I could hear my heart drop to the floor. But, by the time it was time to do the dishes the rain had stopped again. After the dishes we started in on the logs and blogs and planning for our next few days including the weather for each of the next few days.

It seems that we have a reasonable chance for a somewhat nice day for tomorrow to get to the Penobscot Narrows Observatory; a one minute elevator ride to the top with a 380 degree panoramic view of the Maine countryside. We are promised at least a let up in the weather for tomorrow so we are hoping that we can get this visit in. It and Fort Knox Historical Site are the two things I would like to do while we are here. It “was named after Major General Henry Knox, America’s first Secretary of War and Commander of Artillery during the American Revolution.” (from the pamphlet “’Protector of the Penobscot’” distributed by the Department of Conservation, Bureau of Park and Lands, State of Maine). We will not be traveling around Big Sur or getting to New Brunswick for any caches.

It’s 8:10pm and it is still not raining. We are to have some showers sometime in the near future. I just hope we will be able to see what we want to see tomorrow.

Pleasant dreams to all.



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